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The Annual Art Circle Award is organized by The Art Circle, a non-profit organization registered in the UAE. 


The mission of this award is to support the local art scene and offer a platform to highlight talented artists through a physical exhibition presenting the top finalists and offering a financial award to the winner. All finalists will receive a certificate of participation and social media coverage. 


Through a carefully selected jury of art and culture professionals, all participants benefit from the visibility to curators and other cultural institution leaders during the selection process. 


The Art Circle Award is by medium a painting and mix-media competition and each year holds a thematic to which the artists open call responds to. 


Open to all Nationals and residents of the United Arab Emirates, over the age of 18.


No participation fee applies. 


*See more of terms and condition HERE


The theme for this year edition: “Mappa Mundi” 

The word “map” comes from the Latin Mappa, which means napkin or cloth, and mundi meaning the world.


The definition of a map in the Cambridge Dictionary is: “A drawing of the earth's surface, or part of that surface, showing the shape and position of different countries, political borders, natural features such as rivers and mountains, and artificial features such as roads and buildings: a map of the world.”


Through our history and since the ancient times, humans have been creating maps to guide them. The earliest map, found in France, is thought to be a schematic representation of the night sky and is dated back to 14,500 BCE. 


Maps are physical tools on paper or digital on our electronic devices. These visual representations are the ways that we look at the world and represent its changes over time. Maps can tell a wide range of stories and now with technology we can map not only where the roads will guide us in our journeys, but we can map all kinds of data from bird migrations or commercial consumption of social media. 

The open call invites artists to respond to their view of a map, maps or mapping, and how they see the world from their perspectives.


Deadline: September 15th, 2024

All proposals are reviewed by a jury of art experts.

Shortlisted artworks will be included in an exhibition.


The wining proposal will be unveiled on the opening day of the exhibition and awarded AED 15,000 .


The winning artwork will be part of The Art Circle collection and its reproduction,as a Giclee print, will be offered to the different art specialists it will collaborate with during its various visits and exchanges in 2025.

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